Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BATF Bureau of Antics, Tom Foolery and Foul Ups?

If my Blog has a theme it is the absolute disconnect between the politicians and bureaucrats who presume to run this country and reality. I know, you thought it was one of those exercises where they let a chimp loose on a typewriter and look for patterns but I DO have a point. 

As my intention is to prove that the whole political process, as practiced in our country at present, is corrupt, venal, unconstitutional, shameless, heartless, tyrannical and just plain stupid then my work is done here. Show me who to give the Silver Bullet to, I’ll hop on Silver find Tonto and hit the road.

Nothing I can say will add to that article. But you don’t mind if I try do you?

First let me say that if you flag Republican and are rubbing your hands together in anticipation you might want to hold up a bit.  In my particular case “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is wrong on two counts. First; I know you two are not enemies, you are perfectly happy with the status quo.  Second: I consider both of you my enemies.

This country needs change and the first change is to put the Democratic and the Republican parties in the history books. Both of them have fewer principles than a slave trader and a moral compass that always seems to point back to them.  Hope I have made myself clear on that.

Let’s get back to Mr. Holder, his Justice Department and their BATF.  In synopsis this is what happened: the BATF started a program to catch people selling guns illegally across the border, in this program the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms would……. WAIT FOR IT NOW……. Sell guns illegally across the border.  

I know, when I first heard of this some months ago I thought that is just too silly to be true. The fact I was right about that did not mean it was NOT true however. The BATF did sell illegal firearms across the Mexican Border with the hope of catching people doing what the BATF was doing to catch them.  I need an asprin.

I will casually mention that what the BATF did was illegal but let me take you a step further. Let’s say Bolivia decided that to further their internal policy they needed to sell illegal weapons to purchasers inside the United States.  Illegally moving weapons into a sovereign foreign power is an act of WAR.

So the BATF, a subordinate of the Justice Department who reports directly to the Attorney General committed an ACT OF WAR against the State of Mexico. At this point outcomes become kind of academic. Whether the plan worked or did not work is overshadow by that whole “violation of national sovereign boundaries” thing.  Ever curious as I am though I wonder, did the plan work?

In point of fact, no the great BATF plan did not work. I can’t understand these are the same people who orchestrated Waco and Ruby Ridge, how could ANYTHING possibly go wrong? It did, guns got loose people got shot and, at least from the Justice Department’s point of view, the worse was an American Border guard got shot.

The crux of the problem, from Washington DC’s view,  was not that an illegal gun got placed in the hands of a madman, nor was it that this was done by a Commissioned Law Enforcement Officer,  there really was no problem that it was used to take another Law Enforcement Officer’s life. You are completely missing the point.

Illegal guns floating around, Mexican’s getting shot by the gross weight with said illegal guns, a Federal Agent shot dead by said illegal guns and the fact these guns were put into the hands that used them by the Federal Agency sworn to control Alcohol, Tobacco and FIREARMS. Oh, don’t forget explosives, they are in charge of explosives. Prey Dear Lord nobody gets any bright ideas about that.

The real problem, fellow citizens, is that because a Federal Agent was shot with an illegal weapon that was traced back to the BATF the great unwashed (that would be us) found out about. THERE is the problem.
Yes, as in all real crisis in our federal government, it is not really a problem until somebody knows about it.  No matter the scope, potential damage, unethical behavior or tyrannical excess it is really not a problem as long as it is a secret.  It’s not wrong until you get caught. There you have it, government by Sociopaths.

Trust me; I am not done with Mr. Holder or this subject.  This incident is like a short course on the arrogance, ethically bankruptcy, and disregard for our Constitution that pervades our government no matter which party is in power.

Neither the Republicans or the Democrats want to fix the problem so they are the prima fascia problem.

Next I would like to move on from here and discuss this issue of THE DOMESTIC TERRORIST threat. Interesting stuff that.  

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