Saturday, August 11, 2012

Monty, Can I have Door Number 3?

I really tried to read the following article with interest and seek some understanding of the problem:

Yes, it is three months until the election and the two mainstream candidates really are a grim choice. I would say they are a couple of clowns but they are not coordinated enough, they cannot make cool things out of balloons and neither one has set his own hair on fire. Yet.

So the gist of this little article is that the undecided voters are really upset because neither one of the two choices are very good.  This, folks, is just silly. Both parties are so arrogant, so sure of themselves and so absolutely certain of our full indoctrination they are more than happy to give us a choice between Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber and expect us to stand for it.

According to Wikipedia there are five major and twenty-nine minor political parties active in the United States today. We have the big two, Demopublicans and Repubracrats, (opps did I get that wrong?) then we have the other usual suspects; Libertarian, Green, and Constitution parties and then we have twenty-nine minor parties including  several variations of the word Socialist and the intriguing United States Marijuana Party. (I did not make that last one up and I bet they run Willie for president.)

So why does the main stream press re-enforce the lie that we have only two choices? Oh, there could be all kinds of reasons but the fact is it’s not true.

So considering that, besides the Republicrats and the Demopublicans, we have thirty-two other choices (thirty-three if you count writing in Snoopy) why should we vote for two guys we all suspect do not know what the question is much less the answer?

I, for one, am not going to waste my vote on candidates and parties that respect me even less than I respect them. I am going to vote for a third party candidate that seems to share my own values. Which party? That’s my business. I researched them, I read their platforms, and I choose one I believe represents my own interest.

No, it’s not the U. S. Marijuana party.

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