Whatever man can do, he will. That is not a quote; it came full blown from my own little rounded head. Many years ago I read the classic novel, 1984, by George Orwell. From this novel, came the much repeated phrase “Big Brother Is Watching”.
Well folks, I probably do not need to tell you that Bigger Brother is now watching. It appears, as is normal, technology born of war is coming to the home front. The drones used so effectively on the FEBA (Forward Edge of the Battle Area) are coming to the BEMS (Both Ends of Main Street). Military Drone technology, so loved by the Air Force, has a new customer base: Andy and Barney in your own home town.
This new development brings to my mind a burning question: what are the rest of you people up to?!! What foul deeds, high crimes, felonious intents and actions do all you other Americans harbor in your depraved hearts that makes my government feel the need to send flying cameras over the country?
‘Cause I know it ain’t me. With twenty-four hour surveillance of my little leased piece of America, the most heinous thing they might see is me taking a kick at the cat (I always miss, cats are quick), hiding a paint can in the middle of my everyday trash, or patting my lady, in an inappropriate place, while no one is watching. Oh yes, that’s the point. Someone IS watching.
So tell me, Mr. and Mrs. America what kind of foolishness are you involved in that makes our elected officials think you bare such close watching? Come clean now, are you people smoking that Demon Weed? Well we know what that can lead to…. Jazz Music.
Could it be that you are planning the violent overthrow of the Constituted Government of the United States? Are you stockpiling weapons beneath your above ground pool, training terrorist around your BBQ grill, teaching bomb building beneath your jungle gym? I tell you this; you people need watching. I am a good citizen, veteran and absolutely certain that no one is watching me. Yeah, I believe that.
Let me tell you about the first recorded use of a drone for Law Enforcement purposes. Better yet, thanks to the wonders of the internet let me show you: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073248/Local-cops-used-Predator-drone-arrest-North-Dakota-farm-family-stealing-6-cows.html the Brossarts of North Dakota do not seem like a group of people I would want to sit down to dinner with. They are not very fond of our Federal Government, a trait they share with most Democrats and ALL Republicans. They might have absconded with half a dozen of their neighbor’s cattle. They appear to have resisted County Sheriffs with drawn firearms.
The County Sheriffs Office called out their SWAT team and then, according to the report, some County Mounty said, “I got a great idea.”

Yeah right. Barney of North Dakota DECIDED to call up the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE and borrow that. I believe it, but then again, “I believe for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows.”
Not that it concerns me in anyway because I AM a good, law abiding citizen. After all, it’s you they are after: bunch of sneaky, underhanded, criminal, terrorist, hot head, Islamic, Christian, Jewish, Atheist conspirators that you all are.
An old saying used to go around us military guys that the scariest words a soldier ever heard was, “Trust me, I am from the CIA and I am here to help.” There was some truth to that.
But let me tell you right now, you can trust them, they are from the government and they are here to help.
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